A New Year's Resolution


Welcome to this new year. We would like to start by wishing you a healthy and balanced 2018. It always takes a bit of effort after the holidays to readjust to normal life and find our rhythm and daily routine again. Sometimes we can even feel a little out of sync with ourselves (and our digestive system) which can definitely effect our energy levels, but of course getting on our mat and reinvigorating our yoga practice can shift us in the right direction. But this is also a great time to start fresh with a new perspective and approach, to contemplate what we need in our lives to ensure that we prosper and in turn help those around us prosper.

Go ahead and take a moment now to reflect on what you need this year to make it a great one. Whether it is something to help you heal emotionally or physically, whether cultivating patience and kindness towards yourself or others, or whether it is spending less time in front of a screen and more time outside and with friends – here comes a big shocker – your yoga mat is an incredible proving ground for integrating these intentions into your body, mind and spirit and into your daily life. This is why we built and created The Breathing Space and why you see Mercedes and Lana on the teaching schedule ALL THE TIME, so that we get to know you and can support and encourage you. Check out our About Us page to learn more about your teachers.

You will need no rule but this,
to let your practicing today
lift you above the thinking of the world,
and free your vision from the body’s eyes.
Only be still and listen.
— Gifts From a Course in Miracles

To help you find your way we have some great guest teachers, workshops, and trainings lined up for the New Year (and even a potential late spring retreat!). We will keep you posted so keep an eye out for the next newsletter and be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Also remember it is wonderful to practice with a friend. With our referral program you can bring a friend to class for free and you will be rewarded with a €5 credit. Be sure to email us your friends name and the class you will be attending together at info@thebreathingspace.nl. Please also know that we are open and available to you so if you have questions or comments please do not hesitate to reach out and be sure to check our FAQs page on the website.


On a final note, we wanted to thank all of you who came to our special end of the year class, sure to be a tradition. It was a treat for all involved and a perfect introduction to our in-house restorative yoga queen, Tracey (make sure to treat yourself to her Sunday 5 pm Restorative class). Also, our first Holiday Potluck was truly heartwarming and fun. Thanks to all the cooks and for sharing the holiday cheer.


Lana & Mercedes



Vinyasa, making space


Building community